This one was just too good to pass up!

Written By Stan WB2LQF:

I searched many shoe boxes up in the attic over the last week to find this card. I knew I had it; just didn’t know exactly where. Look closely at the comment about me having had my foot in a water bucket. Sam was referring to the fact that I was actually loading my bedspring for this contact. It was 1966, I was 18, and this was one of my last contacts before I headed off to the Navy. I had a Knight-Kit T-60 transmitter that used a hardy 6DQ6B for the final. I had no antenna at this time so I just connected the chassis of the T-60 to the dial stop on our old black rotary phone. I knew from experience that the phone company had a good ground because my crystal radios always worked better when connected to the phone’s dial stop. Then I attached a piece of wire to my bed’s steel spring and stuck the other end into the SO-239 on the transmitter. God only knows what the SWR was. I had 60 watts input and no idea of what the output was. But as the card confirms, we had a nice long CW chat during which I got to tell Sam exactly what was sending my signal to him.

Dumb ass that I was at 18, I actually thought it was *possible* to load a bedspring.

People often joke about “loading a bedspring”. I actually did it!