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Just got my K6ARK End Fed Half Wave kit. I am really looking forward to the build and getting it on the air for even more QRP fun!

This kit is a very cool minimalist QRP kit from Adam K6ARK. If you are into QRP, can wind a toroid and solder a single surface mount capacitor, then this minimalist QRP End Fed Half Wave is an antenna kit you really have to build!

The antenna can handle up to 20 watts max and will cover 160 to 10 meters without a tuner (depending on the length of your antenna wire). (Note: the coil can alternatively built as a 49:1 Unun, 9:1 Unun or 1:1 balun).

The K6ARK EFHW is an easy, effective kit to build. Find Adam’s YouTube video below where he shows you exactly how to build the kit as an End Fed Halfwave antenna.

As noted in the build instructions, Adam recommends 26 gauge Poly Stealth wire from Davis RF. This wire can easily handle up to 100 watts when used in other antenna systems. The wire is copper clad stranded steel with a plastic insulation, so the wire is durable and compact.

As always, Adam received a ton of comments along with his excellent YouTube video build. IMHO, KJ7PRS’s comment sums it all up!

“Everybody should buy and make one of these. Adam’s channel has been a great inspiration to me. He is a great teacher and very innovative. I have made several items based on his videos and been very successful in the QRP arena. Amateur radio operators need to support people in our hobby like Adam. Thanks for this video and I just placed my order. Well done! KJ7PRS”